Driver Management
Driver Identification
Utrack solutions enables the user to choose between various number of driver identification methods. (Dallas, RFID Cards, Numeric Keypard etc.) The driver identification enables to eliminate unauthorised car use by connecting one of the above methods to the immobilizer. Moreover, the driver identification feature can be used to manage the drivers profile. Managers can mobilize and immobilize vehicles remotely via direct SMS command.

Driver Behavior
Utrack driver behavior summary provides information on drivers performances over the course of the desired time period. The driver behavior summary uses Galooli’s algorithm to calculate the grade for each driver. The chart reflects both the tp 5 drivers and the worst 5 worst drivers and vehicles. Thus fleet managers can take action with the information provided to enhance their business productivity and safety of the vehicles.

Mobile Digital Video Recording & Tracking
We offer multiple mobile digital video recording solutions to meet your specific needs including:
☑ Dashboard cameras with forward and cab facing cameras,
We also allow you to decide how to download your videos and events: SD Card, Wi-Fi, or Cellular options are available. With our digital recording solutions, you can track your vehicles, view live video feed from mobile devices, and protect your driver’s and company from frivolous lawsuits.

Other Features
☑ Trip Replay
☑ Speeding Alerts
☑ Harsh Driving Detection
☑ Maintenance/Warranty/License Reminders
☑ Service Log and Reminder
☑ On Board Buzzer to alert on violations
☑ Wide range of reports driver ranking
☑ Geo Fencing
☑ Immobilizer/Gradual Stop
☑ Mileage Statistics
☑ Control Room Support
☑ Driver ID Management
☑ Access Customer Care Support Team
☑ Main Power Low/Disconnect/Connected Alert
Identify the Driver of the Vehicle: Run reports by driver as well as by vehicle. Find out who got that speeding ticket, who was driving when a speeding alert was issued, who is misusing vehicles after hours and more.
Supplement Timesheet Reports: Check your driver reports against timesheet reports to confirm the hours worked by each driver. This ensures the accuracy of your payroll.
Verify the Official Start and End of the Day: Knowing what time each driver began and ended work on any given day helps reduce false overtime claims.
WebZON™: WebZON™ is designed to provide user access from every web browser and is accessible from all devices- PC, Mac, Tablets and more. Our Web-based application is created to provide out clients with an ease of use and flexibility.
OTOTO/iOTOTO: OTOTO/iOTOTO is an intuitive application for smartphones, enabling end users to easily track and monitor their fleet or vehicle as well as get real-time alerts on the go.
Mzone: MZone Fleet - the next generation of Scope Technology's series of Fleet based applications. MZone Fleet boasts an easy to use mobile User Interface for fleet managers on the move.
Mzone Web: MZone web is a web-based platform that is able to provide real-time trip data with visibility of all exceptions generated for the trip, with fuel consumption statistics. When viewing a fleet group, reports allows easy ratings of drivers and vehicles for better resource allocation.
Mzone Fleet Manager: Our MZone Fleet mobile application summarizes key fleet statistics in a single view where users can drill down to vehicle details with a single touch and setup profiles to monitor utilization, setup geofence rules, action alerts and notifications to name a few. Our interactive map display allows the plotting of all data generated from our MHub telematics devices that includes trips, alerts, POI data and driver behavior data.

Our Mission & Vision
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Control & Monitoring Center

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